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Mark Greenblatt

Last fall, several months into my new job as a professor and executive editor for the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism at Arizona State University, my phone rang unexpectedly. A student was in crisis over news in Gaza, and was seriously considering dropping out so they could rush to the Middle East, without a job or a safety plan, to cover the story. The student wanted my advice. My guidance: Finish the very best training you can, then put your skills to use. The moment drove home the deep responsibility we have as veterans to mentor the next generation, smartly.

As a current board member and IRE’s Treasurer, I have that student’s future training needs top of mind, as I work collaboratively with other board members and IRE staff to achieve important advancements for IRE. When first elected two years ago, I was the senior national investigative correspondent for Scripps in Washington D.C., leading investigative videos, podcasts, writing and prioritizing data journalism for all mediums. Today, I am the only full-time professor on IRE’s board.

Leadership through listening

Under my leadership as Treasurer, after I listened closely to engaged members, the Board changed how it budgets. Now, the budget requires specific fundraising projections that were not present when I was elected. The budget also empowers staff to set realistic goals, before asking IRE’s board to authorize spending.

As chair of our Finance Committee, I also worked this year with committee members and the Board to update IRE’s donor policy. Together, we created critical new sources of funding for IRE, while installing firm safeguards that hold strong to our values. I also pitched our first ‘donor appreciation event’ in New York, an event that became the model for others we have since repeated. I have, while scrutinizing the budget in some areas, lobbied to invest in top performing staff so we don’t lose them.

Currently, my eye is on our endowment, and the creation of new policies that will ensure it can keep pace with inflation and preserve our future spending power. A vote for me, is an investment in a financial philosophy that protects IRE’s future, and takes action on items members bring to my attention.

Accessibility and Inclusion

Recently, I led a push to prevent registration rate increases for IRE’s AccessFest, a virtual conference designed to make our trainings more accessible. I also partnered with a colleague to propose what is now policy: IRE must provide financial assistance to board members who need it, and must advertise that opportunity prominently. A path to serve on the board should not require deep pockets or working for affluent news organizations.

Looking forward

A vote to re-elect me is an investment in steady leadership – and carefully crafted policy that will sustain our finances and grow cutting-edge training opportunities. I’ll work with colleagues in a measured and collaborative manner, as someone who has devoted his entire professional life to supporting investigative journalism, everywhere it needs support.


Josh Hinkle, KXAN-NBC Austin – I’ve known Mark Greenblatt and his watchdog work for a decade, but the last couple of years serving with him on the IRE Board have shown me he’s also a very effective leader! In his first year, Mark demonstrated strengths in diplomacy, collaboration and problem-solving, as IRE worked to navigate issues like fundraising expectations. In his second year, Mark’s thoughtful approach landed him a role on the executive committee with me and a handful of other directors as treasurer. I’ve been impressed at his respectful tactics to help IRE grow financially, organize and lead the finance committee — including some of our biggest fundraising focuses — and help with the board’s other crucial tasks. Mark is a leader who listens and wants the best for the organization — including affordability and accessibility. I happily support him re-filing for another term and hope you consider him seriously when casting your vote.

Caitlin Thompson, NPR – I enthusiastically nominate Mark Greenblatt. I was fortunate to have Mark as my editor/mentor as a student in the Howard Center for Investigative Journalism at ASU's Cronkite School. He’s a fierce advocate for early-career investigative journalists. He pushed for students to have unique career opportunities, like voicing a broadcast segment on national TV or interviewing congressmen. He is patient, supportive and steadfast in his belief that students can do professional level work. He works tirelessly to provide each reporter with learning experiences tailored to their goals. Mark's guidance gave me confidence to take my skills to the next level. I’m inspired by his desire to do impactful journalism. He wants the best for every reporter and goes to bat to make it happen. I’m confident he’ll have a nationwide impact on opportunities for student journalists on IRE’s Board. All early-career investigative journalists deserve to have an advocate like Mark.

Candidate Q & A

Current position

  • Executive Editor & Professor of Practice, Howard Center for Investigative Journalism, Arizona State University

Prior experience

  • Senior National Investigative Correspondent, Scripps, Washington D.C. Bureau
  • National Correspondent, ABC News, New York
  • Investigative Reporter, KHOU-TV (CBS-Houston)
  • Investigative Reporter, WBBH-TV (NBC-Fort Myers)
  • Investigative Reporter/General Assignment, KOAA-TV (NBC-Colorado Springs)
  • Investigative Reporter, KOMU-TV (NBC- Columbia, MO)
  • Frequent judge, several industry awards

IRE experience

  • Current IRE board member and Treasurer
  • Current Chair, Finance Committee
  • Member, Executive Committee, Audit Committee, Affordability Task Force
  • Attended every IRE national conference since 1999, Kansas City
  • Attended almost every NICAR for 10+ years (COVID years are an exception)
  • Frequent contributor to IRE conferences, including regional conferences and IRE AccessFest
  • IRE Medal winner
  • IRE Award winner
  • IRE finalist
  • IRE Mentor
  • Screener, IRE Awards


  • Proud softball dad
  • Student advocacy
  • Multi-media investigations (video, podcast, digital, etc.)
  • Collaborative investigative reporting
  • Love data
  • Past Treasurer & Past President, Fund for Investigative Journalism
  • FOIA and appeals
  • Awards: Peabody Award (3x), du-Pont Columbia, Livingston Award, Sigma Delta Chi Awards (including best podcast), National Emmy Award (best investigative) and nominations, Online Journalism Awards (winner, finalist), National Murrow Awards (including best documentary, best investigative), National Headliner Awards (including podcast, investigative) Harvard’s Goldsmith Prize (2x finalist, served on selection jury), Best local TV reporter (3x), Houston Press, Television Journalist of the Year (3x), Houston Press Club, 1st Place Hearst Awards (college championships)
  • Somewhat retired homebrewer of fine beer (where is the time)

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Issues you would like to address as a board member

  • Continued close stewardship for IRE finances, financial policies
  • Creating deeper partnerships for IRE with Universities
  • Strengthened advocacy for students (the future of our industry)
  • Continued investment in cutting edge data journalism training
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