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Fair Warning reports that as governments around the world adopt stringent rules to fight the public health burdens of smoking, tobacco companies are fighting back, trumping those laws by invoking […]
"A worldwide investigation aimed at stripping away the anonymity that binds together one of the most shadowy aspects of Britain's financial industry." "In a unique collaboration, the Guardian and BBC […]
"The Associated Press uncovered this week that a Honduran military unit charged with murdering a 15 year old boy had been trained, equipped and vetted by the United States." "The […]
"Officials of oil-rich Azerbaijan, including members of the Aliyev ruling family, have established companies in Prague, bought land, and built hotels and luxury villas most of them focused around in […]
In a report filed The Boston Globe, it has been revealed that "federal agents working out of Boston, are heading an investigation into child pornography that so far has resulted […]
A New York Times investigation into Wal-Mart has revealed that top Wal-Mart executives may be focusing more on damage control when they should be rooting out wrongdoing. "In 2005, after […]
In a special report from Reuters it has been found that at least two countries offer what is known as citizenship by investment, burgeoning programs that bestow on foreigners the […]
"A flurry of freedom of information laws adopted over the past decade has given more than 5.3 billion people worldwide the right, on paper, to know what their governments are […]
The Gazette reports that "a former University of Iowa student leader believed to have fled the country after criminal charges in the early 1990s has been linked to murder and […]
“The Sept. 11 attacks prompted almost every nation to adopt or toughen anti-terror laws. Until now, no one followed up to see who was impacted. In an unprecedented 9-month investigation, […]