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Tony Kennedy and Paul McEnroe of the Star Tribune in Minneapolis wrote a four-part narrative investigation, “The Informant,” to chronicle a public corruption probe of Minneapolis police. Federal agents and […]
The Washington Post's Cheryl Thompson investigated one of the most controversial police shootings Washington, D.C., has had in decades. A chain of police missteps and oversights invite questions about the […]
Additional arrests are pending in the murder of Chauncey Bailey according to reports from the San Francisco Chronicle and The Chauncey Bailey Project. As part of a plea agreement, Devaughndre […]
A story by Andrew Becker and Patrick J. McDonnell of the Los Angeles Times has found that U.S. citizens are increasingly being mistakenly included in immigration sweeps. Reports of "mistaken […]
The Indianapolis Star reporter Brendan O'Shaughnessy examined the effectiveness of the city’s police surveillance cameras. According to the article, “Police say they have made a handful of arrests thanks to […]
Adam Goldman and Randy Herschaft tell the story behind the hunt for Abu Ibrahim, a bombmaker who has eluded authorities for decades. Long forgotten and even presumed dead by some, […]
A two-part series by the Tulsa World analyzes crime on public school campuses. Since 2005, Tulsa schools have called city police more than 9,450 times. Reasons for the calls include […]
Steven Greenhouse of The New York Times reports on an investigation into New York state's workers' compensation system uncovering delays, fraudulent claims, and questionable rulings. Employees feel the system is […]
A report by Brad Heath of USA Today reveals that the nation's immigration courts "are now so clogged that nearly 90,000 people accused of being in the United States illegally […]
The latest installment of "Tobacco Underground," an investigation by the Center for Public Integrity's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists exposes how U.S. and Canadian Indian tribes and organized crime gangs […]