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A joint project by The Washington Post and 60 Minutes explores the world of online gambling. The industry clears $18 billion annually, but exists in murky legal territory. One group […]
A report by Marc Beja and Adam Playford of Washington Square News (at New York University) brings to light issues with NYU's reporting of campus crime statistics. Due to how […]
Expanding on an article published in October, ProPublica's Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, in conjunction with the Los Angeles Times, have found that the California nursing board has been slow […]
Mayor Ron Dellums said late Tuesday he is asking state Attorney General Jerry Brown to conduct an independent probe of the police department’s handling of journalist Chauncey Bailey’s killing in […]
For JudicialReports.com, Mark Lagerkvist examined the “paradox cloaked in robes” that allows New York judges to accept large campaign gifts from lawyers who have pending cases in their courts. The […]
An analysis of Kansas City police department complaint records by Michael Mansur of The Kansas City Star revealed that the vast majority of complaints result in no action. Four percent […]
Thomas Peele, Bob Butler and Mary Fricker of The Chauncey Bailey Project -- a collaboration of those continuing the work of murdered Oakland journalist Chauncey Bailey -- report that that […]
A six-part investigative series by The Center for Public Integrity's International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) details the booming global trade in illegal cigarettes. Since 1999, the ICIJ has tracked […]
The Dallas Morning News spent months looking at Dallas County's 19 DNA exonerations as well as current felony cases in an investigation that highlights flaws in the witness identification process. […]
ProPublica's Tracy Weber and Charles Ornstein, in conjunction with The Los Angeles Times, have found over 115 cases in which the state of California did not seek to restrict or […]