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WNYC News reports that "over the past decade, as New York City’s backlog of felony cases has grown, so too has the time defendants are spending behind bars before trial. […]
“The Tampa Bay Times and The Center for Investigative Reporting spent a year identifying the 50 worst charities in America based on the money they paid to professional solicitation companies […]
"In the late 1980s, state and local investigators probed widespread misconduct in Suffolk County, much of it criminal, in the district attorney’s office and county police department. The scrutiny culminated […]
In December 2001, the Chicago Tribune published a five-part series, “Cops and Confessions,” with one of the installments highlighting the case of Daniel Taylor, an inmate serving a life sentence […]
"Police and prosecutors say checks-and-balances ensure the integrity of the system. But defense attorneys -- whose clients faced years in prison because of Jackson's work -- say police wasted thousands […]
"(A Reno Gazette-Journal) report this week found that Washoe District Court in Reno did not send 179 names to the Department of Public Safety’s database of people prohibited from possessing […]
The Washington Post reports: “The unusual collaboration came after The Washington Post reported last year that authorities had known for years that flawed forensic work by FBI hair examiners may […]