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Eric Nalder, Lewis Kamb, Phuong Cat Le and Paul Shukovsky of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer continue their investigation into abuse, misconduct and disciplinary lapses in the King County Sheriff's Department. The […]
Mark Scolforo of The Associated Press has a four-part series on Pennsylvania’s county prisons, finding that “many local jails are struggling to meet even minimum standards for safety, housing, food […]
Fred Schulte of The (Baltimore) Sun used state records to show that "Maryland's vow to safeguard patients has been undercut by breakdowns in the state system established to oversee doctors." […]
David Josar of The Detroit News used records obtained under Michigan's Freedom of Information Act to find that "Detroit City Clerk Jackie Currie has spent more than $100,000 in taxpayer […]
Andrew Wolfson of The (Louisville, Ky.) Courier-Journal reports that "Kentucky shrouds its juvenile courts behind some of the strictest secrecy laws in the nation, requiring the public to accept on […]
The mayor of Jackson, Miss., has refused to release the city's crime statistics to the City Council. "Under the prior administration of Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr., the crime statistics were […]
Richard Lardner and Doug Stanley of The Tampa Tribune report at least 50 veterans who committed homicides in civilian life are interred at Florida National Cemetery, "the final resting place […]
Christine Willmsen and Justin Mayo of The Seattle Times analyzed court records, sex offender registries and check-in logs to show that hundreds of sex offenders register as homeless — making […]
Jonathan Marino of The Washington Examiner looked into crime in public schools in Montgomery County, Md., a suburb of Washington, D.C. He found "internal reports, dozens of court records, and […]
Richard D. Walton and Mark Nichols of The Indianapolis Star examined the use of Tasers by Marion County law enforcement officers. "At least 112 unarmed suspects were Tasered while fleeing […]