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Great investigative work is often done in the days, or even hours, following a breaking news event. The IRE Awards have often honored such work, and now we are pleased […]
IRE has compiled some resources that may assist in covering the fatal shootings that occured today at Ft. Hood in Texas. If you have other resources that could be of […]
Several new tip sheets are available in the Resource Center from recent Ethnic Media Watchdog Workshops. Topics include tracking federal stimulus money, analyzing Census data, obtaining public records and honing […]
By Mark Horvit IRE Executive Director IRE’s Ethnic Media Watchdog Workshop series stopped in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 17-18. Journalists from media throughout the area gathered at American University’s School […]
With a little legislative know-how, even a novice reporter can distinguish between complex political positions between lobbyists, interests groups and politicians, according to veteran reporter Brian Joseph from the Orange […]
New York Times reporter David Gonzalez shares his secrets to great neighborhood beat reporting. For better stories and better sourcing, your time is best spent walking the streets of your […]
Andy Hall, executive director and reporter for the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism, shares his thoughts on the art of the interview. He points out that a purposive or changing […]
By Doug Haddix IRE training director Each year, education reporter Chastity Pratt Dawsey of the Detroit Free Press files public records requests for five documents on her beat. She requests […]
Editor’s note: This post appeared on NICAR-L, an IRE listserv dedicated to computer-assisted reporting techniques. The NICAR list has helped hundreds of journalists tackle technical issues large and small. Be […]
It's once again time to apply for the Philip Meyer Award. Established in 2005, the award was created to honor Philip Meyer's pioneering efforts to utilize social science research methods […]