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David Dietz Fellowship available for 2014 IRE Conference

Are you a journalist with less than 10 years of experience? Interested in attending the upcoming IRE Conference in San Francisco? IRE could pay your way.

In 2012 IRE added a new fellowship, created to honor the memory of longtime IRE member David Dietz, who succumbed to cancer in June of 2011. David served as president of the organization and gave a decade of service and more to IRE. Dave was a beloved colleague and friend to many IRE members, and was honored with IRE’s Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of his many contributions. For over a decade, Dave worked as a San Francisco-based investigative reporter for Bloomberg Markets magazine. He had a 40-year career in journalism, including positions at, The San Francisco Chronicle and The San Francisco Examiner. He won more than 30 national and regional reporting awards for investigating corporate fraud, judicial misconduct and civic corruption.

The fellowship honors his memory and legacy by helping a journalist who has demonstrated an interest in financial investigative journalism and who has fewer than 10 years professional experience. This fellowship covers IRE conference registration fees, provides $750 in reimbursed travel and lodging expenses and a one-year IRE membership.

The winner of this fellowship will also be enrolled in IRE's mentorship program and will be paired with a top investigative journalist in the field of financial journalism, for a year-long mentorship.

Applications can be emailed to IRE membership coordinator John Green at jgreen@ire. Materials must be received by Friday, May 2.

Apply to attend the 2014 IRE conference in San Francisco


More IRE Conference fellowship/scholarship opportunities:

IRE makes available certain fellowships and scholarships to allow professional journalists or students the opportunity to attend training events they would not otherwise be able to attend. Fellowships typically include a one-year IRE membership, conference or seminar registration fees, and reimbursement for hotel and travel expenses. The following scholarships will help send journalists to the upcoming IRE Conference in San Francisco:

  • The James Richard Bennett Scholarships allows a limited number of college students in Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma or Louisiana to attend the annual IRE conference. The scholarships are made possible by a donation to IRE by Dr. James R. Bennett, professor emeritus of English, University of Arkansas. Apply.
  • The Diversity Fellowships minority fellowship program was established by the Philip L. Graham Fund and IRE to allow a limited number of professional journalists to attend IRE's conferences. These fellowships are aimed at increasing the diversity of IRE's membership. Applicants for this award should identify themselves with one of the following minority groups: Black/African American, American Indian/Alaskan, Native American, Asian-American, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino. Apply.
  • The Jennifer Leonard Scholarships are available to women of modest means who are college students studying journalism or professional journalists with three or fewer years of working experience, to attend IRE's conferences. The scholarships were established by IRE member David Cay Johnston to honor his wife, the president of the Rochester Area Community Foundation and a national leader in promoting ethical standards for endowments. Learn more about Leonard and the scholarships. Apply.
  • Godfrey Wells Stancill Fellowships help a limited number of journalists working for newspapers with Sunday circulation under 50,000 attend IRE's annual conference. These fellowships were established by IRE board member Nancy Stancill and her family to honor the memory of her father, Godfrey Wells Stancill, former editor and publisher of the Suffolk (Va.) News-Herald. Apply.
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