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Get ready for the 2017 CAR Conference T-shirt contest

It’s almost time for the annual CAR Conference T-shirt contest!

If you don’t have a design ready, don’t worry. You still have time to come up with your best data journalism one-liners, SQL puns and NICAR logo designs.

The winner gets bragging rights, a free shirt and $50 in the online IRE Store. Runners-up will be sold as laptop stickers.


Here’s how it works:

Jan 20-29: Submit you designs by emailing them to We’ll take just about any high-resolution format.

Jan. 30 – Feb. 5: Vote for your favorite designs. We’ll have links on the homepage and CAR Conference page.

Feb. 8: Winning designs announced on the IRE website.


We only have a few guidelines:

  • The T-shirt should include NICAR or the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting somewhere on it, but shouldn’t be designed specifically for the 2017 CAR Conference.
  • It must be work appropriate.
  • There are no restrictions on colors or design, but keep in mind the more detailed/multi-colored the graphic work, the more expensive it will be for NICAR to print the shirts.
  • By sending in the suggestion to NICAR, you don’t retain rights to the final T-shirt. (This does not include bragging rights, which the designer will maintain in perpetuity.)


We look forward to your ideas and another great CAR Conference, March 2-5 in Jacksonville.

109 Lee Hills Hall, Missouri School of Journalism   |   221 S. Eighth St., Columbia, MO 65201   |   573-882-2042   |   |   Privacy Policy
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