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Trying to boost your data journalism skills? We know it can be hard to learn on your own. For more than 20 years, journalists have used Investigative Reporters & Editors and the National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting to share ideas, solve problems and discuss techniques for computer-assisted reporting.
Today we're excited to introduce NICAR-Learn, a new data journalism training tool you can access anytime, anywhere.
NICAR-Learn is a place for journalists to demonstrate their best tricks and strategies for working with data and for others to learn from some of the best data journalists in the business. Unlike some online training platforms, you won’t find any hour-long webinars on the site. Instead, we're developing a library of short videos – most under 10 minutes – filmed to address specific skills, problems and software.
To kick things off, we asked data journalist MaryJo Webster to share some of her favorite tricks from her popular “Excel Magic” course.
For now, you can watch four of her videos for free. In December, we’ll be adding more videos and putting everything behind a paywall. You can learn more about how that will work on NICAR-Learn’s Getting Started page.
If you have ideas for videos, we want to hear from you! You can use this form to submit ideas or email us at learn@ire.org.
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