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IRE Radio Podcast | SPECIAL: Rediscovering Don Bolles

Investigative Reporters and Editors was formed in 1975, the year before Arizona Republic reporter Don Bolles was killed by a car bomb. He died days before he was scheduled to speak at IRE’s first annual conference. Now, decades after his death, the team at The Arizona Republic and found tapes Bolles recorded before he was killed. On this special episode, we’re sharing the first installment of the their new podcast “Rediscovering: Don Bolles, A Murdered Journalist.” We hope you love it as much as we do.

You can find the IRE Radio Podcast on Soundcloud, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher and Google Play. If you have a story you think we should feature on the show, drop us a note at We’d love to hear from you.


Looking for links to the stories and resources we discussed on this week’s podcast? We’ve collected them for you.



In Passage (Blue Dot Sessions) / CC BY-NC 4.0

Town Market (Blue Dot Sessions) / CC BY-NC 4.0



Thanks to our friends at The Arizona Republic and for letting us share this story. Kelly Kenoyer is the host of the IRE Radio Podcast. IRE Editorial Director Sarah Hutchins edits the podcast. We are recorded in the studios of KBIA at the University of Missouri.

109 Lee Hills Hall, Missouri School of Journalism   |   221 S. Eighth St., Columbia, MO 65201   |   573-882-2042   |   |   Privacy Policy
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