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Resource ID: #1613
Subject: 629
Source: Jessica Hullman and Yea-Seul KimJessica Hullman and Yea-Seul Kim
Affiliation: Northwestern University and University of WashingtonNorthwestern University and University of Washington
Date: 1905-07-11



Many data journalists perceive their goal to be presenting data as clearly as possible. But a single data set provides only a partial view on what's true. Readers' prior beliefs about a topic can — and should — influence what they conclude from new data. Visualizations can be used to gather and represent beliefs in ways that transform the reader's experience and your own journalistic design process.

This talk will introduce you to techniques and theories for helping your readers understand, What do (and should I) believe? We'll demo a new tool that allows anyone to create a "You draw it" style visualization to elicit and visualize readers' predictions.

109 Lee Hills Hall, Missouri School of Journalism   |   221 S. Eighth St., Columbia, MO 65201   |   573-882-2042   |   |   Privacy Policy
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