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Resource ID: #17865
Subject: Corruption
Source: City Paper (Washington, D.C.)
Date: 2022-02-23



Phil Burton, a 22-year veteran investigator with D.C.'s Metropolitan Police Department, was forced from his job in October 1997. But for more than three years since then, he has continued to pursue convictions for his last major corruption case: For more than a decade, city plumbers from the Water and Sewer Authority were "taking bribes in exchange for performing private side jobs during their regular work hours." Over that time, "crews had been bilking the city out of an estimated $1 million a year in lost revenue, stolen equipment, torn-up streets, and overtime abuses." But after an extensive investigation, Burton had no luck convincing the MPD or the U.S. Attorney's Office to prosecute the alleged racketeers. "By the end of 1999, only 11 out of some 30 city workers he believed were guilty had been prosecuted. Although it was the biggest investigation in the IAD's recent history, Burton insists that it's only partially complete." Today, Burton keeps 30 boxes worth of paperwork at his home. He keeps them around in the hopes that somebody will prosecute the remaining suspects before the statute of limitations expires, in one year.

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