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If you're joining us at the 2019 CAR Conference next month, don't forget to check out the classes that require pre-registration. Our hands-on workshops are longer classes designed to help […]
Thanks to everyone who submitted a Lighting Talk idea for the 2019 CAR Conference. Now it’s time to narrow the more than 40 ideas down to the 10 talks we’ll […]
The votes are in and the 2019 NICAR T-shirt has been selected! Casey Miller won our annual contest. You’ll be able to buy her design at the 2019 CAR Conference in Newport Beach. […]
NICAR received some great designs for its annual T-shirt contest, and voting is now open! Voting will stay open for about one week, ending Sunday, Feb. 10 at midnight (PST). The proposal […]
Thanks to the generosity of many donors, IRE is fortunate to have funding available to provide fellowships and scholarships to its annual CAR Conference (#NICAR19). This month, IRE awarded eight […]
Submissions are now open for Lightning Talks to be featured at #NICAR19 in Newport Beach. Lightning Talks, which take place on the Friday afternoon of the conference, are five-minute talks […]
We've posted a list of more than 130 expected panels, demos, commons and hands-on classes we're planning for the 2019 CAR Conference in Newport Beach. This list is designed to help you make […]
We’re planning a record number of repeat hands-on classes at the upcoming CAR Conference in Newport Beach and we need your help! If you plan to join us in California […]
IRE is taking applications to participate in the mentorship program at the 2019 CAR Conference in Newport Beach, California. Click here to apply to be a mentor or to receive […]
The #NICAR19 conference in Newport Beach, California, will feature a record number of hands-on computer labs, first-ever Master Class workshops and a celebration of the 25th national Computer-Assisted Reporting (CAR) […]