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The Workplace Safety database from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) has just been updated in the NICAR Database Library. WHAT’S IN IT? This ten-table database holds information on […]
is Friday 4/27 to be listed on the absentee ballots. * Seven seats up for election on IRE board The filing period has begun for those planning to run for […]
Michael Berens and Ken Armstrong both had extraordinary resumes before winning the Pulitzer Prize last week. Each of the reporters for The Seattle Times had produced investigations that won a […]
By Anna Boiko-Weyrauch@AnnaBoikoW To understand your data, let’s go back to grade-school science class. Remember when you learned about the forest, and all the animals that call it home? The […]
By Hilary Niles @nilesmedia Spain is an “information black hole,” journalist Mar Cabra said during the Against All -Spanish- Odds. She and software developer David Cabo are taking suggestions on […]
In "Problems plague cleanup at Hanford nuclear waste site," USA Today’s Peter Eisler takes on 56 million gallons of radioactive waste and finds he isn’t the only one who has […]