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With misinformation on the rise, democracy under threat and cutbacks in the news business, the world needs strong watchdog journalism now more than ever.
That’s why we’re committed to helping journalists stay successful in the field. This spring, IRE is offering a 10% membership or renewal discount to all new, current and lapsed members. The promotion is available Monday, April 15 through Friday, May 3.
IRE is pleased to partner with three major airlines to provide discounts for those flying to California for the IRE24 conference in Anaheim June 20-23.
The 2023 IRE Awards recognize the most outstanding watchdog journalism of the year. The contest covers 19 categories across media platforms and a range of market sizes.
NICAR24 was more than just an annual gathering of journalists to learn new data skills or network with fellow reporters and editors in Baltimore. It was also a reunion for a shared community and a wellspring for hope during a tumultuous time for the news industry.
(March 6, 2024) COLUMBIA, Missouri — Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE), the largest professional journalism association in the United States, is launching a new initiative to mark the upcoming 50th […]