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Across the nation, local governments sometimes disseminate false narratives in cases of officer-involved shootings. Local officials can craft messages that favor police because the community rarely has access to the information that would contradict that message.
As the director of the Virginia Coalition for Open Government – a 29-year-old nonpartisan, nonprofit devoted to helping the public navigate the ins and outs of access to state and local government records and meetings – I’m often asked which state has the best open records or open meetings law.
Excessive government secrecy takes many forms, including denying or ignoring FOIA requests and deleting data from websites.
These tactics prevent the public from meaningfully participating in self-government in every area secrecy touches.
Open records laws have helped journalists and watchdog groups uncover wrongdoing at universities around the country — but those very laws are under threat.
Florida, the “Sunshine State,” once known as a beacon of government transparency, is growing ever darker, and the clouds are spreading throughout the United States.
By Jonathan Peters, CJR.org Editor's Note: This article first ran on March 23, 2016 on the Columbia Journalism Review's website. Sunshine Week brought some welcome news for transparency advocates this […]
This week is Sunshine Week, the annual celebration of open government and access to public information. To honor the occasion, we're unveiling a special video series on the NSA files. […]