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For more than a year, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has been investigating prescription drugs and the dangerous side effects of using opioids ot treat chronic pain. The latest installment of […]
Alex Remington, a research assistant for Journalist’s Resource and a Harvard Kennedy School graduate student, sat down with Steve Doig, Knight Chair in Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of […]
Even though the IRE Conference has come and gone, you can still access all that valuable information from the tipsheets and presentations we compiled. With over 100 files available you'll […]
More than 1,000 people are registered to attend the IRE Conference in Boston next week, and it's not too late for you to join them. While early-bird registration has closed, […]
Photo credit:Elie Gardner/Post-Dispatch Social media can be an individual’s nightmare and a reporter’s goldmine. In “Disability pensions allow some firefighters to collect while working elsewhere,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch’s reporters used […]
One of the redacted documents California Watch received. In California Watch’s series Broken Shield, Ryan Gabrielson uncovered abuse and unknown injury cases at developmental centers that weren’t reported to the […]
Photo credit: USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism Congratulations to Michael J. Berens and Ken Armstrong of The Seattle Times, for receiving the 2012 Selden Ring Award for Investigative […]
By Hilary Niles @nilesmedia Some of the pithier annectdotes from this year's conference surely belong to Tony DeBarros, Ron Nixon and Ben Welsh, for their presentations during "Making sure you […]
IRE will be collecting tipsheets from the conference and storing them in the Resource Center for members to search and download. Chrys Wu, a journalist and engagement editor, is collecting online […]
In "Problems plague cleanup at Hanford nuclear waste site," USA Today’s Peter Eisler takes on 56 million gallons of radioactive waste and finds he isn’t the only one who has […]