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NICAR21 T-shirt Contest

The National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting will once again be selling a T-shirt in celebration of data journalism. The proposal with the most votes will be sold online during the virtual #NICAR21 conference.

Shop the winning design and other NICAR21 swag. 


Jan. 12 – 27: Review the contest rules and details. Submit your designs by emailing them to All entries will be posted to this page.

Jan. 29 – Feb. 7: Vote for your favorite designs.

Mid - February: Winning design announced.

Rules and Details

Design guidelines:

  • It must be work appropriate.
  • There are no restrictions on colors, but keep in mind that the more detailed/multi-colored the graphic, the costlier it will be for NICAR to print the shirts.
  • It should include #NICAR21 to celebrate the 2021 data journalism conference.
  • By sending in the suggestion to NICAR, you don’t retain rights to the final T-shirt. (This does not include bragging rights, which the designer will maintain in perpetuity.)

Design Entries

Entry 1:



Entry 2:



Entry 3:



Entry 4:



Entry 5:



Entry 6: (WINNER!)

Note points: 

  1. #NICAR20
  2. Laugh about the "pivot to video"
  3. Name all new packages "Quarantinr"
  4. Abandon all pants without elastic waistbands
  5. Explain how your job works again...
  6. Research blue light glasses
  7. R.I.P news cycle
  8. R.I.P sleep cycle
  9. Take a deep breath. What you do matters.
  10. #PartyLikeAJournalist
  11. Get asked to make a pie chart... with 17 sections
  12. Battle a bug for far too long... it was a comma
  13. Contemplate starting a substack
  14. Crave newsroom election night pizza
  15. Order pizza
  16. Eat entire pizza
  17. Have no regrets
  18. Get rated 7/10 by @RateMySkypeRoom
  19. March 300th-something
  20. Scream at Excel's date formatting
  21. Git commit -m "idk final final fix"
  22. Wait... it's only been one week since last Wednesday?
  23. #NICAR21
109 Lee Hills Hall, Missouri School of Journalism   |   221 S. Eighth St., Columbia, MO 65201   |   573-882-2042   |   |   Privacy Policy
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