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2024 Don Bolles Medal awarded to Marion County Record

IRE has awarded the 2024 Don Bolles Medal to the Marion County Record for remaining steadfast and refusing to be silenced after police raided the Marion, Kansas, newsroom and the home of its publisher in August 2023. Police confiscated the news organization’s computers, hard drives and server, as well as reporters’ personal cell phones. 

The raid was an extraordinary act by an American law enforcement agency, taken days after a reporter at the paper questioned the local police chief about potential misconduct at his previous job. It was quickly condemned by news organizations around the country as intimidation of the press and a violation of the First and Fourth Amendments. 

The Don Bolles Medal recognizes investigative journalists who have exhibited extraordinary courage in standing up against intimidation or efforts to suppress the truth about matters of public importance.

The 98-year-old co-owner of the Marion County Record, Joan Meyer, died the day after police searched her home. Her son, publisher Eric Meyer, and the staff of the 4,000-circulation weekly newspaper cobbled together the equipment they needed to continue publishing that week’s issue.

“If we hadn’t been able to figure out how to get computers together, Phyllis and I and everybody else would be handwriting notes out on Post-it notes and putting them on doors around the town, because we were going to publish one way or another,” Meyer told the Kansas Reflector days after the raid. 

The raid was based on a search warrant obtained by the police chief, who claimed that a reporter committed identity theft by accessing public state records posted online. The Marion County Attorney later said the search warrants were obtained without the evidence needed and the newspaper’s equipment was returned. Months later, the police chief resigned. A state investigation is ongoing. 

“IRE is proud to honor the courage and sheer grit of Eric Meyer and his team in the face of the unconscionable actions of law enforcement against journalists doing their jobs for their community," said IRE Executive Director Diana Fuentes.

A six-member committee reviewed more than a dozen nominations for the Don Bolles Medal. The committee included four previous recipients: Roman Badanin, Pelin Unker, Jeremy Jojola and A.C. Thompson. Kristine Phillips and AmyJo Brown also served. 

“We took particular note of the small size of the family-owned Marion County Record and its limited resources and recognized the courage it takes to stand up against this incredible pressure in a small community,” said Brown, the committee’s chair. “Local journalists such as Joan and Eric Meyer and Deb Gruver and Phyllis Zorn are critical to protecting our democracy. We want them — and the world — to know we support them.” 

"IRE members immediately responded after hearing about these illegal raids, offering whatever help the Marion County Record might need and our condolences on the passing of his mother, Joan Meyer," Fuentes said. "We stood with Eric Meyer that day and we stand with him and his staff today. We will not be intimidated."

The Don Bolles Medal was created in 2017 in conjunction with the 40th anniversary of the Arizona Project, an effort led by IRE to finish the work of Don Bolles. The Arizona Republic investigative reporter was killed in 1976 by a car bomb in retaliation for his reporting.

Bolles' death came a few days before the first national IRE Conference in Indianapolis, where the veteran reporter had been scheduled to speak on a panel. At the time, Bolles had been investigating allegations of land fraud involving prominent politicians and individuals with ties to organized crime.

After his murder, nearly 40 journalists from across the country descended on Arizona to complete his investigation. News organizations across the country published their findings.

Their message: Even if you kill a reporter, you can’t kill the story.

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